Vendor Finance: Progress Report #3

Vendor Finance
4 min readFeb 7, 2023


Our last update was done on Jan 6th of 2023! You can read that report here to see the progress we have made.

Note on Expired Pools/Soon to Expire⏰:

As a reminder, if you are a lender and your pool has expired, please be sure to collect your capital, interest and any defaults! As a borrower, make sure to repay any loans that are soon to expire. Defaulting is always a choice, but if you wish to receive all of your collateral back, you must repay the total loan + all interest due!

Newly Supported Tokens ✅:

The following tokens have been added which can be used as both collateral and lend tokens:

  • gOHM

We are working on adding many more supported tokens, also recommendations by the community are being considered. Please feel free to recommend any tokens in our Discord (link found below).

Supported Chains ⛓️:

  • Polygon — deployed and in testing phase
  • Our next chain deployment will be on Ethereum Mainnet!

Partnerships 🤝:

We completed our AMA with Olympus DAO! Our next step is for the following proposal to go to an OIP. If passed, this would mean Olympus DAO would be lending up to $500,000 out of their treasury on Vendor Finance. This would be a pilot program.

Proposal from OlympusDAO:

We are always looking for partnerships and continue to talk to other DeFi protocols! Feel free to reach out to us or drop some referrals in our Discord/tag us on twitter!

UI/UX Updates 🖥️:

  • Polygon/ethereum setup and in testing
  • Improved UI for setting under-collaterlized pools to reduce confusion and mistakes
  • New token filter
  • New rollover UI
  • Added repayment notice above borrow button to tell users that they need to repay

Growth 📈:

Our TVL has decreased. This is normal due to repayments and removal of collateral and lend tokens from Vendor Finance. One of our partners also had to pause lending due to some internal reasons, see Partnerships paragrpah for more detail.

As always a breakdown of assets deposited on Vendor can be seen on DeFiLlama as well!

gOHM is a newly supported token but shows much promise to be a perfect collateral. As per the below image, you can see there are two pools which have been 100% utilized. This is exciting to see and proves there is demand for both lending and borrowing against this asset.

Marketing 🔊:

  • We have an AMA planned with Arbitrum on February 13th at 12:00 PM EST. This will take place on Arbitrum twitter spaces. Be sure to mark your calendars!
  • Olympus DAO hosted us in their Discord to go over Vendor Finance! You can check out this recorded AMA:
  • Featured in Frogs Anon Article! See below…
  • Tide Protocol marketing campaign through user tasks will take place soon. A separate announcement will be made about this in the near future.
  • Organic community tweets:

That’s all for now! We look forward to the next update! You can read more about how the protocol will work in our documentation which you can find here: Docs. Please feel free to follow us on Twitter and join our Discord for any question and to receive more updates in the near future!

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